After several hospitalizations, Denise needed help to regain her appetite and her desire to prepare food. She lived alone and struggled to cope. Our nutritional consultation service has managed to give her back the pleasure of eating and get her back in shape.
First, I’ve never been sick. And then suddenly, I had a series of 3 hospitalizations that were caused by various anomalies: I first suffered from a strangled femoral hernia, then a perforated ulcer in the duodenum, and finally finished it off with a C. difficile (Clostridioides difficile). And in addition to all this, I had to take Vancomycin at meal-times, which completely made me lose my appetite and made me nauseous; honestly I found it really difficult!
My hospital stays finally ended, and I had to go home and continue to eat well, but I realized that I no longer had a taste for food or even to prepare anything. I was weak and lonely. Nothing motivated me to cook anymore. So I obviously had a huge weight loss: I went from 55 to 43 kilos in such a short time. I asked my surgeon if I should consult with a dietitian to help me find my desire to eat again but he judged that it was not really necessary and that with a little motivation I could get by on my own… But it was exactly this motivation that I lacked!
A friend of mine was trying to help me find a solution and she discovered SOSCuisine, and recommended their nutritional consultation services to me hoping it could be useful. I chose this option because I thought that having recipe ideas and advice from a dietitian could perhaps help me feel less alone, regain confidence in myself and in my health, and have the desire to eat well again.
Even from the first meeting with the dietitian, I found that from week to week, I finally began to find this stimulation and motivation to prepare good meals: I no longer needed to use the recipes to the letter or prepare them mechanically, it was instead an enjoyable thing to do … And it gave me more self-confidence and reassurance.
And that’s when I was able to say that I finally regained my appetite after all these health misadventures. My sessions with the dietitian helped me enormously; I felt less alone because I was receiving good advice from a good friend and not just an expert.
What I can say after this experience is that I do not think we should underestimate the services we can receive in nutrition. That is to say, we must not be embarrassed by the fact that we might need to refer to professionals when we no longer have an appetite, when we no longer have the desire to make food or other problems. Admittedly, my experience has not always been easy but I think I was quite strong (laughs).
But what really helped me the most was the support I received from, first of all my boys who came from far away to see me, the presence of my sisters, the hospital staff, and of course the precious help of the dietitian. I think I was really well taken care of!
Have you ever thought of having a nutritional consultation ? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or in the comments below!
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