Those who follow our blog know that we have always emphasized the importance of being physically active in order to be healthy. In fact, we have published some 200 articles to date with the keyword “sport”. Some of these were written by kinesiologists who are members of the Quebec Kinesiologist Federation (FKQ), whereby the articles were published on their website Mon kinesiologue and then shared on our website with their permission. In exchange, some of our nutrition articles have been shared on their website.
By working together on the exchange of articles, we quickly understood how our missions are similar and complementary, that being to improve the health of the population through the adoption of healthy lifestyles, both through diet and physical activity. It is because of this common goal that we have decided to work even more closely together.
I have, therefore, the great pleasure to announce today that we are now Official Nutrition Partner of the FKQ. Our agreement aims to enable the 1,100 accredited kinesiologist members to discover the multiple services and features of the SOSCuisine platform, as a concrete means to help their clients optimize their diet according to their personal needs and specific objectives.
In exchange, SOSCuisine members will have the chance to get even more sound advice through articles related to physical activity because moving is good, but moving well is better!
Oct. 8, 2020 Webinar given by our Jennifer Morzier, RD, to the FKQ’s kinesiologists
In operation for more than 30 years, the Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec is the official organization that brings together kinesiologists from Quebec, and aims to have the kinesiologist profession recognized as a health professional reference, a physical activity specialist who uses movement for prevention, treatment and performance, and whose mission is to promote the interests of its members, all while ensuring their professional skills through a system of accreditation and continuing education.
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