Tag: Seafood

A traceable lobster for your mom

May 11, 2013 No Comments

The season for lobsters, earlier considered to be a “poor man’s food”, is now in full swing. As the fishing season in Quebec lasts from end-April till July, we can make the most of it for our parties, right from Mother’s Day up until Canada Day.

Italian fish soup

April 13, 2013 No Comments

In the olden days in Italy, fish soup used to be a dish of the poorest because it was prepared with low quality or even spoiled fish that fishermen had not managed to sell at the market.

salmon saumon

Eat fatty fish, live longer

April 12, 2013 2 Comments

For years we have been told that consumption of seafood high in omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish) may help protect against cardiovascular disease. But the data supporting this health claim have been indirect sofar. A study of more than 2,600 older adults, published last week in the journal , found those with the highest blood […]


A Russian fish soup called Ukha

February 23, 2013 No Comments

It is only very recently, with the arrival of many Russian immigrants into Canada, that dishes from their culinary tradition are starting to get exposure. It’s a cuisine that is very rich and full of flavour, and its variety arises from the vastness of the country as well as the cultural mosaic that composes it. […]

CHARming fish for the Inuit

August 18, 2012 No Comments

Arctic char is the fish with the northernmost geographical distribution in the world. In fact, it lives in circumpolar lakes, rivers and coastal marine waters. This fish belongs to the Salmonidae family and is characterized by pale spots (red, pink or cream) on a dark back. It gets its name from the fact that it […]

Shrimp shellers: World competition in France

August 12, 2012 No Comments

While the whole planet was watching the London Olympics, competitors gathered in Northern France last Sunday for a far different kind of event: the eighth annual Shrimp Shelling World Competition in Leffrinckoucke, a little village near Dunkerque, some 300 km north of Paris. Launched in 2005 with about 20 local contenders, the competition grew to […]

Halibut: only from the Pacific or… the fish farm!

August 11, 2012 No Comments

Originally published in the Journal de Québec on August 11, 2012. The term “halibut” refers to certain large flatfish that have an elongated body with both eyes on the same side. They are also known as “turbot” in Canada. This fish whose size and weight vary greatly from one specimen to another (usually around 1 […]

En Garde… here comes the swordfish

August 6, 2012 No Comments

Swordfish is a migratory fish found all over the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. It is large (usually two to three meters, weighing between 90 to 150 pounds), with a long upper bill that resembles the shape of a sword. The adult swordfish feeds mainly on squid and other fish and it can reach speeds […]

striped bass bar

Stars for the striped bass

July 28, 2012 No Comments

In Canada, Chilean sea bass is the icon of non-ecological fish, since it is overfished, but there do exist other types of bass that can be eaten without worrying about the survival of the species and the environment. In fact, the term “bass” refers to several species of Atlantic fish, mainly from the Moronidae family, […]


Monkfish, “the poor man’s lobster”

July 21, 2012 1 Comment

Monkfish belongs to the anglerfish family. Supposedly it earned its name because people refused to purchase them and local monks would go down to the docks and collect them.


Sustainable fish in our supermarkets

July 18, 2012 No Comments

A few weeks ago, Greenpeace Canada has released its annual report on the state of Supermarket Seafood Sustainability. Greenpeace scored Canada’s eight major retailers against a set of criteria based on the strength, comprehensiveness and implementation of their seafood policies, the information they make available to their customers, and the number of harmfully-fished Redlist species.


The very controversial catfish, called “basa”

July 14, 2012 No Comments

Basa or Pangasius, also known as the “Mekong catfish“, is a boneless fine textured freshwater fish with white flesh and medium fat. Its mild-flavour compares favourably with that of sole. Developed by the Vietnamese in the 1990s, this fish is now easily found in the global markets. It is often sold fileted at a very […]

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