Take the best advantage of your meal plan with the information below
With our Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Meal Plans, you stack the odds in your favour. To take maximum advantage of our meal plans, take the time to read the information below.
These menus are indicated for people suffering from Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis who do not have any bowel resections or strictures.
IBD menus aim to satisfy your nutritional needs (energy, protein, omega 3, vitamins and minerals: Mg, Se, Zn, Na, Fe, Ca, vitamines A, B9, B3, and B12, D, E, and K).
They aim to reduce digestive symptoms, which is why meals are split into several smaller food intakes. They aim to reduce inflammation, which is why they’re high in omega-3s, soluble fiber, fruits, vegetables, and low in saturated fat and added sugars.
Our menus are based on the Mediterranean diet. This is a balanced diet that reduces the risk of dysbiosis and therefore inflammation. Several studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is effective in reducing inflammation and promoting symptom remission in people with IBD. The menus include a very wide variety of foods. However, since tolerance to certain foods is very personal, our service allows each user to eliminate foods or groups of foods that would trigger their symptoms (ex: lactose, etc.).
Our menus provide you peace of mind. No need to rack your brains for what to eat! With these menus, it will be much easier for you to adopt a varied and balanced diet. In addition, the menus ensure you eat the right foods to reduce your symptoms and meet all your nutritional needs. Our team has already done all the work for you!
Absolutely not! Our menus are made with natural foods that you can easily find in supermarkets, all-natural/organic food stores, or from your local merchants and grocers.
Of course! We want you to reduce your symptoms and regain good health and we are here to help you. As a subscriber to the IBD program, you can ask your questions to our nutritionists who will respond as soon as possible. If you need a more complete support, we offer the VIP Dietitian service, which provides, among other things, three individual consultations.
The most recent recommendations (references) for IBD consist of 50 nutritional targets that must be attained day after day, so as to optimize diet in remission periods of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis..
These 50 targets can be grouped as follows:
IMPORTANT: The information provided on this website does not replace a medical consultation and is not intended for self diagnosis. We recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking a change to your diet or lifestyle. See Terms & Conditions.