recette vide-frigo Clean Out Your Fridge Recipes

TOP 10 : Clean Out Your Fridge Recipes for Zero Waste

April 12, 2021 No Comments

Some leftover foods become uninspiring from lingering in the fridge. Rather than throwing them away, why not make some “clean-out-your-fridge” recipes? Here are ten winning suggestions for breathing new life into leftovers and avoiding food waste.

Top 15 : Practical and Tasty Healthy Snacks

April 10, 2021 No Comments

Whether it’s filling up an empty stomach or replenishing your energy after a workout, a nutritious snack is a big help to get your day going. Yet even being very organized, it’s easy to forget to include our snacks in our routine. Here we share with you our best healthy snack suggestions: salty, sweet, easily […]

TOP 10: Simple and Easy Carrot Recipes

March 17, 2021 No Comments

Carrot is an economical vegetable in addition to being very versatile: it can be enjoyed from starter to dessert and both raw and cooked. It is an excellent source of vitamin A which plays an important role in particular for vision. Carrots are usually sold in large quantities and can be found year round. They […]


Top 10 Irish Recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

March 9, 2021 No Comments

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, time to celebrate Ireland and its culture! Whether you are the type to wear green clothes and shamrock accessories or the type to relax with a pint of cider or ale, this is your chance to experience warm Irish cuisine. Here you will find our ten best Irish recipes, […]

TOP 10 Sweet and Savory Orange Recipes

February 15, 2021 No Comments

Energizing and packed with vitamin C, orange is a great winter ally. Its acidic and sweet taste, its bright color and its delicious flavor are perfect to brighten your day. Here are our ten favorite orange recipes to rediscover this wonderful citrus fruit.

Fruits riches en eau

2021: International Year of Fruits and Vegetables

January 25, 2021 No Comments

The United Nations is marking 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, spotlighting their vital role in human nutrition and food security, as well as urging efforts to improve sustainable production and reduce waste.

méditation yoga

Gastrointestinal Disorders and Stress From Confinement

November 23, 2020 No Comments

Lack of physical activity, poor food choices, stress and anxiety, are all reasons that can lead to suffering from gastrointestinal disorders during this period of pandemic uncertainty.

10 Super-Efficient Recipes for Solo Cooking

November 14, 2020 5 Comments

Eating well while living alone can be a challenge. First you have to find the motivation to cook for yourself, then you have to know how to add enough variety so you are not eating the same thing all week. Don’t worry: We’re going to give you our best tips for cooking quickly and efficiently […]

peaches pêches

TOP 10: Sweet and Savoury Peach Recipes

September 7, 2020 No Comments

How can you resist a ripe peach? In high season, they are fleshy, juicy and absolutely tasty. We suggest you feature them in your dishes, from starter to dessert. Try these wonderful 10 peach recipes!

petits fruits berries

TOP 10: Yummy Berry Recipes for Summer

July 28, 2020 No Comments

Chewing on your first berry is a sign that summer is finally here! Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and blueberries are a real summer treat. It is also a good opportunity to encourage local producers! Here are 10 recipes with berries to celebrate the season in full swing.

mint menthe

TOP 10: Refreshing Mint Recipes to Try Now

July 20, 2020 No Comments

Has mint invaded your garden? Be glad! When it’s hot outside, sneak all the mint into your drinks, savoury dishes, and desserts and enjoy its clean and refreshing taste. The two most cultivated mint types are peppermint and the spearmint. The first is mostly exploited for its medicinal properties, while the second is more popularly […]

agrumes citrus fruit

TOP 10 Yummy Citrus Recipes

March 9, 2020 No Comments

Brightly coloured citrus fruits bring a burst of sunshine into winter days. But they are not only sweet, flavorful and pretty — they’re also good for you, since they are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants.  This class of fruits includes lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, as well as many more hybrids and […]

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